
Sierra Leone

2009 Monitoring Survey of the Fragile States Principles



Now available: 2011 Monitoring Survey on the Fragile States Principles

According to the second round of the FSP monitoring survey, development partner practice has not improved significantly to achieve better results. Read the full report >



2009 Monitoring Report

Fragile States Principles Monitoring Survey: Global Report 2009

The result of the first monitoring survey on the Fraigle States Principles, the 2009 report looks at ways in which the implementation of the FSPs does and does not work, based on evidence from six countries.


> Browse this publication (pdf, 1.18 Mb)

> Télécharger la version française (pdf, 1.69 Mb)

> Read the executive summary (pdf, 1 Mb)



Full Country Chapters

Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Full chapter in English (pdf, 819 Kb)

Central African Republic

French (pdf, 1.22 Mb)

Democratic Republic of Congo
French (pdf, 953 Kb)

Republic of Haiti

Full chapter in English (pdf, 991 Kb)
French (pdf, 991 Kb)

Republic of Sierra Leone

English (pdf, 840 Kb)

Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste

English (pdf, 1 Mb)


For more information, contact the INCAF Secretariat at [email protected].



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