OECD Environment Focus Blog

The OECD Environment Focus Blog aims to increase dialogue on a variety of environmental topics among policy makers, experts and the general public. Blog authors include OECD policy experts and occasionally guest authors. Visit the Environment Focus platform and sign up to receive email alerts each time we post.
2022 BLOG posts
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The blogs and articles featured below cover a range of environmental topics and were written by OECD experts and published on a variety of OECD or external platforms. Search by theme:
Air pollution
Climate change
- Recovering from the pandemic while facing the climate and energy crisis | 2022
- COP26: Big steps forward on adaptation and resilience | 2021
- Managing climate risks in mountainous areas | 2021
- Deliberative democracy: A bottom up approach to solving the climate crisis | 2021
- Building it “right” in African cities — not back better | 2021
- Building resilience to natural disaster risk in agriculture | 2021
- Changing climate, changing coasts: Why resilience matters | 2021
- Climate resilience is essential for a sustainable financing system [également disponible en version française] | 2021
- Climate change mitigation and adaptation: Managing two sides of the same coin | 2021
- Let’s choose to challenge the climate crisis with a gender lens | 2021
- 2021: Adaptation comes to the fore | 2021
- Harnessing nature to tackle the climate emergency | 2021
- Seeing the value in climate science | 2021
- Is the Covid-19 crisis spurring a transition to net-zero emissions in the oil and gas sector? | 2020
- COVID-19 and the climate crisis: Combining green budgeting and tax policy tools for a better recovery | 2020
- Towards a Clean Energy Transition in Viet Nam | 2020
- 5 things we learned at the OECD Wildfires Conference | 2020
- TEG it easy: The landmark EU Sustainable Taxonomy takes shape | 2020
- Empowering women as clean energy entrepreneurs | 2020
- Carbon tax, emissions reduction and employment: Some evidence from France / Taxe carbone : quel impact environnemental et économique dans le secteur manufacturier français ? | 2020
- Fighting the climate emergency? Enter national development banks | 2019
- Digital planet: How smart technologies can help us solve our climate and infrastructure challenges | 2019
- Energy sector SOEs: You have the power! | 2018
- Green budgeting can spur governments to improve our planet's bottom line | 2018
- Climate change: Is shipping finally on board? | 2017
- Blending finance for climate and poverty action | 2017
- Managing earth: The land-water-energy nexus | 2017
- Renewed international commitment needed to fight climate change | 2017
- OECD Observer: Fossil fuel subsidies - Phase them out! | 2017
- Tracking climate finance: Progress and challenges | 2017
- Water and climate: From Risk mangement to investment opportunity | 2017
- Investment in renewable energy: What policy makers must do to make it happen | 2017
- Renewed international commitment needed to fight climate change | 2017
- Climate-resilient Infrastructure: Getting the Policies Right | 2017
- Bridging the green investment gap in Latin America: what role for national development finance institutions? | 2017
- Carbon prices are still far too low to prevent climate change | 2017
- Moving forward on climate: Looking beyond narrow interests | 2017
- What’s Good for the Climate Can Be Good for Growth Too | 2017
- The government role in mobilising investment and innovation in renewable energy | 2017
- What’s holding back investment and innovation in renewable energy? | 2017
- What's Good for the Climate Can Be Good for Growth Too" | 2017
- Climate: Towards a just transition, with no stranded workers and no stranded communities | 2017
- Can green bonds fuel the low-carbon transition? | 2017
- Turning groundwater into farmers' underground insurance against climate change | 2017
- Resistance is futile. Higher carbon prices needed to guide the transition to carbon neutral growth | 2016
- The climate scientist and the teacher | 2016
- Can a shipping levvy affect the growth of Passive House in Australia | 2016
- Carbon emissions all at sea: why was shipping left out of the Paris Climate Agreement? | 2016
- The other CCS | 2016
- Post Paris, should we be going for CCCS = Compulsory Carbon Capture and Storage? | 2016
- COP21 was decades in the making, so how do we make future decades work for climate? | 2016
- COP21 on the Insights blog
- How OECD and IEA contributed to COP21 | 2015
- COP21 agreement: A decisive turn point by the OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría | 2015
- Climate disclosure: knoweledge powers change by the OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría | 2015
- A Californian enigma: Record-high agricultural revenues during the most severe drought in history | 2015
- OECD Insights on COP21 | 2015
- Two secrets concerning a value chain approach to coprorate climate change risk management | 2015
- The Haze Surrounding Climate Mitigation Statistics | 2015
- If this is a war on emissions, governments need a strong arsenal | 2015
- Dear Coal: it's not you, it's me... | 2015
- Investing in the future: People, planet, prosperity | 2015
- Overcoming Barriers to International Investment in Clean Energy | 2015
- Saving Every Drop: How the OECD Reduces its Environmental Footprint | 2015
- Carbon Pricing: Does the OECD practice what it preaches? by Liisa-Maija Harju, Operations Service | 2015
- Climate, Carbon, COP21 and Beyond | 2015
- Let’s talk money: What will it take to save our planet? | 2015
- Time is of the essence: can Indonesia phase out energy subsidies without hurting the poor? | 2015
- We must change faster than the climate | 2015
- The opportunities and challenges of greener growth: Getting the whole policy package right | 2015
- The Earth Statement: for an ambitious, science-based, equitable outcome to COP21 in Paris | 2015
- Climate change: Price carbon now, before low-cost oil says "ciao" | 2015
- Band-aids won't save the polar bears: smarter climate adaptation needed | 2015
- A clearer picture of climate-related finance | 2014
- The climate is chaning, so should we! | 2014
- There's no bailout option for the climate | 2014
- Building a case for green private investment | 2014
- Rain doesn't follow the plow: climate change, agriculture and water | 2014
- Wake up and save the coffee: making development climate-resilient | 2014
- IPCC and climate change risks: what would you do? | 2014
- A call for zero net emissions | 2014
- Reducing fossil fuel emissions isn’t enough: We must aim for their complete elimination by the 2nd half of the century | 2013
- Better Plays for Better Lives: A Midsummer Night’s Dream | 2013
- Avoiding death by diesel | 2013
- Climate change: Fisheries too | 2012
- Climate: The Doha Round | 2012
- Climate Change Ethics: where to start? | 2010
- Climate change: E-mailstrom | 2010
Environmental Outlook
Green growth
OECD and World Environment Day (5 June)
OECD and World Water Day (22 March)
More themes
COVID-19 and environment
Ecological Footprint
Education and environment
Gender and environment
Greening household behaviour
Green recovery
Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development Goals
Urban sprawl
World Toilet Day