Within the OECD, most of the work on health is carried out by the Health Division of the Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs.
Our mission – advising policy makers and informing public and private stakeholders and citizens on how to address demands for more and better quality health care – is particularly important with public budgets under strain. We develop reliable statistics of health system performance and help countries benchmark their policies against high-performing health systems.
To learn more about our areas of work, download our brochure.
- The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Future of Telemedicine (January 2023)
- Equipping Health Workers with the Right Skills: Skills Anticipation in the Health Workforce (December 2022)
- Primary Health Care for Resilient Health Systems in Latin America (December 2022)
- Integrating Services for Older People in Lithuania (November 2022)
- Promoting Health and Well-being at Work - Policy and Practices (November 2022)
- Modernising Social Services in Spain - Designing a New National Framework (October 2022)
- Healthy Eating and Active Lifestyles - Best Practices in Public Health, June 2022
- Health Data Governance for the Digital Age - Implementing the OECD Recommendation on Health Data Governance, May 2022
- Towards an Integrated Health Information System in the Netherlands, February 2022
- Health for the People, by the People - Building People-centred Health Systems, December 2021
- Pricing long-term care for older persons, WHO Centre for Health Development (Kobe, Japan), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Barber, Sarah L, van Gool, Kees, Wise, Sarah. et al., August 2021. Access Country case studies and policy briefs, Interviews with authors, and all background material.
- A New Benchmark for Mental Health Systems - Tackling the Social and Economic Costs of Mental Ill-Health (June 2021)
- Preventing Harmful Alcohol Use (May 2021)
- Empowering the health workforce: Strategies to make the most of the digital revolution (November 2020)
- Who Cares? Attracting and Retaining Care Workers for the Elderly (June 2020)
- Realising the Potential of Primary Health Care (June 2020)
- Waiting Times for Health Services: Next in Line (May 2020)
- Health in the 21st Century: Putting Data to Work for Stronger Health Systems (November 2019)
- The Supply of Medical Isotopes: An Economic Diagnosis and Possible Solutions (November 2019)
- The Heavy Burden of Obesity - The Economics of Prevention (October 2019)
- Health for Everyone? - Social Inequalities in Health and Health Systems (September 2019)
- Recent Trends in International Migration of Doctors, Nurses and Medical Students (July 2019)
- Price Setting and Price Regulation in Health Care: Lessons for Advancing Universal Health Coverage (June 2019)
- Addressing Problematic Opioid Use in OECD Countries (May 2019)
- Pharmaceutical Innovation and Access to Medicines (November 2018)
- Stemming the Superbug Tide - Just A Few Dollars More (November 2018)
- Delivering Quality Health Services: A Global Imperative (July 2018)
- Care Needed: Improving the Lives of People with Dementia (June 2018)
- Preventing Ageing Unequally (October 2017)
- Primary Care in Denmark (March 2017)
- New Health Technologies: Managing Access, Value and Sustainability (January 2017)
- Tackling Wasteful Spending on Health (January 2017)
- Better Ways to Pay for Health Care (June 2016)
- Health Workforce Policies in OECD Countries: Right Jobs, Right Skills, Right Places (March 2016)
- Case-based Payment Systems for Hospital Funding in Asia (November 2015)
- Promoting Health, Preventing Disease: The Economic Case (October 2015)
- Health Data Governance: Privacy, Monitoring and Research (September 2015)
- Fiscal Sustainability of Health Systems: Bridging Health and Finance Perspectives (September 2015)
- Applying Modeling to Improve Health and Economic Policy Decisions in the Americas: The Case of Noncommunicable Diseases (September 2015)
- Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes: Policies for Better Health and Quality of Care (June 2015)
- Tackling Harmful Alcohol Use: Economics and Public Health Policy (May 2015)
- Addressing Dementia: The OECD Response (March 2015)
- Dementia Research and Care: Can Big Data Help? (February 2015)
For reports published before 2015, please visit our Health Publications Archives page.
Also access the Country Health Profiles 2021, released in December 2021, and which are part of the State of Health in the EU Cycle.

The OECD Reviews of Public Health provide in-depth analysis and policy recommendations to strengthen priority areas of countries’ public health systems, highlighting best practice examples that allow learning from shared experiences, and the spreading of innovative approaches.
Topics covered within this series of health reviews include unhealthy diets and obesity, preventing harmful alcohol use, health checks and preventive screening, responding to public health emergencies, and more.

The synthesis report, Caring for Quality in Health: Lessons learnt from 15 reviews of health care quality, was released on January 10, 2017.
Country reports released for Korea and Israel (in 2012), Denmark and Sweden (in 2013), Norway, the Czech Republic, Japan and Turkey (in 2014), Australia, Italy and Portugal (in 2015), the United Kingdom (2016).
Access the press releases and Assessment and recommendations for each country on the dedicated Reviews of National Health Care Quality page.
The country reports are available for download on the OECD iLibrary.

The Country Health Profiles provide a concise and policy-relevant overview of health and health systems in the EU/European Economic area, emphasizing the particular characteristics and challenges in each country against a backdrop of cross-country comparisons. Each Country Health Profile provides a short synthesis of:
- health status (including mortality from COVID-19)
- risk factors to health (including behavioural and environmental risks)
- the organisation of the health system and health spending
- and the effectiveness, accessibility and resilience of the health system to the pandemic
The Country Health Profiles are an important step in the European Commission’s State of Health in the EU cycle and are the joint work of the OECD and the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, in cooperation with the European Commission. This is the third series of biennial country health profiles, published on 13 December 2021.
All reviews are accessible via the country reports homepage.
For a description of health systems by country, visit the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies' Health Systems in Transition (HiT) series. And visit their new platform for a detailed description of health systems and up-to-date information on reforms and changes.
further reading
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