An overview of OECD work with the MENA region
The OECD is actively engaged in supporting MENA economies in the design and implementation of ambitious reform agendas. Building on internationally recognised tools, standards and work methods, this partnership has pioneered policy dialogue, peer learning and capacity building at the regional and country levels. The scope and depth of our co-operation is a testimony to the OECD's commitment to work with the region to bring better policies and inclusive growth across MENA.
MENA-OECD Competitiveness Programme
Supporting reforms to mobilise investment, private sector development and entrepreneurship as driving forces for inclusive growth and employment.
Read about the Programme
MENA-OECD Governance Programme
Sharing knowledge and expertise, with a view of disseminating standards and principles of good governance.
Read about the Programme
Read the brochure in Arabic
The OECD supports countries in improving agricultural productivity and food security.
The 'regional brief' chapter of the OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2020-29 (2020) describes key trends and emerging issues facing the agricultural sector in the Near East and North Africa. It provides background on key regional characteristics and highlights medium-term projections for production, consumption and trade for the period 2020-29.
Agriculture data
Fostering competition in Tunisia, the OECD is conducting a review of laws and regulations in the freight transport, and retail and wholesale trade sectors.
Corporate Governance
The MENA-OECD Working Group on Corporate Governancesupports MENA economies in the development of sound corporate governance frameworks and practices.
OECD Publications
Development Aid
Aid data
OECD Initiatives:
- The OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) works closely with Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, as well as with funds and development banks in the region through the Arab-DAC Dialogue on Development, to identify ways to better co-ordinate development activities, learn from each other’s experiences and become more effective in supporting developing countries’ efforts to deliver development results.
- Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation supports effective co-operation at the country level.
OECD Publications:
- How Islamic finance contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (2020)
- Breaking down the Myths of Triangular Co-operation in Middle East and North Africa (2018)
- Private sector engagement through development co-operation in Egypt (2018)
- Making Development Co-operation More Effective: 2016 Progress Report (2017) (covering Egypt, Mauritania and Yemen)
- Global Partnership country and territory monitoring profiles (2016): Egypt, Mauritania and Yemen
Education & Skills
The OECD supports MENA governments in setting measurable goals for improving education systems and enhancing learning results for students. Growing participation in the OECD’s international education surveys is helping economies the MENA region assess their needs and improve the impact of their education policies.
- OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), a triennial international survey evaluating education systems worldwide by testing the skills and knowledge of 15-year-old students (Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, participated in 2018).
- OECD World Indicators of Skills for Employment (WISE) database providing a statistical snapshot of skills development in 214 countries, including MENA economies.
- OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS), providing information on the working conditions of teachers, learning environments in schools and insights for improving teacher policy (Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Saudi Arabia participate).
- Country education responses to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, analyses how teaching and learning is continuing during the coronavirus crisis and provides country guidance for reopening schools after closures. Read about the experience of Saudi Arabia.
PISA 2018: Access results for Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates.
Education data
OECD Initiatives:
- MENA-OECD Working Group on SME Policy and Entrepreneurship supporting governments in boosting enterprise growth and access to finance. It also monitors and evaluates SME policy impact.
- MENA-OECD Business Advisory Board (BAB), supporting public-private dialogue for better policy outcomes in the region by serving and directing the work of the Organisation with the views, challenges and needs of the private sector in the region.
- Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority and Saudi Arabia are members of the OECD International Network on Financial Education (INFE), a policy forum for governments to exchange views and experiences, and access a comprehensive range of information, data, resources, research and news on financial education.
Fragility, Resilience & Risk Management
OECD Initiatives:
- Reinforcing the Rule of Law: Developing the Capacities of the Judiciary in Yemen is jointly implemented by the OECD and the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development, in partnership with the Ministry of Justice of Yemen and brings support to Yemen taking into consideration the conflict setting.
- Building institutional capacities to prepare for recovery and re-construction in Yemen is jointly implemented with the Islamic Development Bank and supports the Government of Yemen in building institutional capacities at the central and local level to deliver basic public services and prepare for recovery.
- The MENA-OECD Economic Resilience Task Force promotes private sector development as a way to build economic resilience in the region and provides a forum for regional dialogue on economic resilience building.
- The OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) has developed the Resilience System Analysis (RSA) methodology and tools to enable stakeholders to develop a shared vision of what needs to be done and ensure that development investments are not undermined or destroyed by crises.
- The OECD High-Level Risk Forum provides policy makers with a collaborative platform to improve preparation for large-scale shocks to the economy and society. Morocco and Tunisia adhere to the OECD Recommendation on the Governance of Critical Risks which proposes actions that governments can take at all levels of government, in collaboration with the private sector and with each other, to better assess, prevent, respond to and recover from the effects of extreme events, as well as take measures to build resilience to rebound from unanticipated events.
OECD Publications:
One of the most important economic and social priorities for MENA countries is promoting gender equality and developing more equitable laws, policies and institutions. The OECD assists the MENA region in this endeavour through a number of regional and national activities.
OECD Initiatives:
- MENA-OECD Women’s Economic Empowerment Forum (WEEF)
- MENA-OECD Women in Government Platform
- Promoting Women in Parliaments and Policymaking in Tunisia
- Strengthening Women’s Access to Justice in Morocco
- OECD Development Centre’s Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI)
Recent publications and articles:
- Changing Laws, Breaking Barriers for Women’s Economic Empowerment in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia (2020) (EN|FR|AR)
- Towards a Woman-Powered Recovery in MENA: Now is the time to break remaining barriers for women’s empowerment article by Juan Yermo, OECD Chief of Staff
- The MENA-OECD Policy Brief on COVID-19 crisis in the MENA region: impact on gender equality and policy responses (2020)
- Women’s Economic Empowerment in Selected MENA Countries: the impact of legal frameworks in Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia (2017) (EN|FR|AR)
- OECD Recommendation of the Council on Gender Equality in Public Life (2015)
- Women in Business 2014: Accelerating Entrepreneurship in the Middle-East and North Africa (English | Français | عربي)
- OECD Recommendation of the Council on Gender Equality in Education, Employment and Entrepreneurship (2013)
- Women in Business: Policies to Support Women's Entrepreneurship Development in the MENA Region (2012)
- Empowering Women-led SMEs: Economic Development and the New Arab World, Draft issues paper, 2012
- Women’s Access to Finance in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region, Draft issue paper, 2011
OECD Publications:
- Women’s Political participation in Egypt: Barriers, opportunities and gender sensitivity of select political institutions (2018)
- La participation des femmes à la prise de décision dans l’administration publique en Tunisie (2018)
- La place des femmes dans la vie politique locale en Tunisie (2018)
- Women’s political participation in Jordan (2018)
- Women’s Economic Empowerment in Selected MENA Countries: The Impact of Legal Frameworks in Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia (2017)
- Gender Balance Guide: Actions for UAE Organisations (2017)
- The Pursuit of Gender Equality: An Uphill Battle (2017) (overview in Arabic)
- Women in Business 2014: Accelerating Women’s Entrepreneurship in the Middle East and North Africa Region (also available in Arabic)
- Women in Public Life: Gender Law and Policy in the Middle East and North Africa (2014)
Green Growth & Resource Management
OECD Initiatives:
The OECD Green Growth Strategy advises member and partner economies on integrating green growth policy into the design and implementation of economic and environmental policies. Morocco and Tunisia are adherents to the OECD Declaration on Green Growth.
The OECD Water Governance Programme advises governments at all levels on how to design and implement better water policies for better lives.
OECD Publications:
- Sustainable Financing for Marine Ecosystem Services in Mauritania and Guinea Bissau - Country Study (2018)
- Jordan Clean Energy Investment Policy Review (2016)
- Investing in Youth: Tunisia Strengthening the Employability of Youth during the Transition to a Green Economy (2015)
- Water Governance in Jordan: Overcoming the Challenges to Private Sector Participation (2014)
- Water Governance in Tunisia: Overcoming the Challenges to Private Sector Participation (2014)
International Energy Agency (IEA)
The IEA works with many MENA countries in the areas of energy policy and statistics.
- Medium-Term Market Reports
- Renewable Energy Medium-Term Market Report 2015 includes an assessment of renewable energy prospects in the region.
- Morocco 2014: Energy Policies Beyond IEA countries
Morocco became an IEA Association country in 2016 and signed a three-year work programme in June 2017 to deepen bilateral co-operation in the areas of energy security, energy efficiency, renewable energy, capacity building and data and statistics.
Green growth indicators
OECD Publications:
- Digital Government Review of Morocco: Laying the Foundations for the Digital Transformation of the Public Sector in Morocco (2018)
- Embracing Innovation in Government, Global trends (2018)
- Embracing Innovation in Government, Global trends (2017)
- Benchmarking Digital Government Strategies in MENA Countries (2017)
- Rebooting Public Service Delivery - How can Open Government Data help drive innovation? (2016)
- Egypt is profiled in the OECD Science, Technology and Innovation Outlook 2016
- Social media use by Governments (2014)
The OECD works with MENA partners in strengthening integrity and transparency, building trust and promoting accountability in the public and private sectors.
OECD Initiatives:
- MENA-OECD Business Integrity Network (MOBIN)
- MENA-OECD Network on Public Procurement
- Working Group on Civil Service and Integrity:
- Public-sector integrity and citizen engagement in Morocco
- Deepening Tunisia´s Integrity Foundations
- Good Governance and Anti-Corruption in Tunisia
OECD Publications:
- Global Lessons on Collective Action Against Corruption: The Case of Morocco (2020)
- OECD Integrity Scanshelp governments assess legal, administrative and economic frameworks regarding integrity and the fight against corruption. Both Morocco and Tunisia have taken part in this exercise.
- Renforcer l’intégrité dans les secteurs : de l’énergie, de la santé et des transport (2018)
- Internal Control and Risk Management for Public Integrity in the Middle East and North Africa (2017)
- Implementation of the Palestinian Code of Conduct Strengthening Ethics and Contributing to Institution-Building (2016)
- Le contrôle interne et la gestion des risques pour renforcer la gouvernance en Tunisie (2016)
- Renforcer l'intégrité du secteur public au Maroc (2016)
- Renforcer l’intégrité en Tunisie: l’élaboration de normes pour les agents publics et le renforcement du système de déclaration de patrimoine (2014)
Investment & Trade
Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia are adherents to the OECD Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises. Countries adhering to the Declaration commit to providing an open and transparent environment for international investment and to encouraging multinational enterprises to contribute to economic and social progress. For each adherent, the OECD conducts an Investment Policy Review, that presents an overview of investment trends and policies in the countries reviewed, as well as actions and opportunities for further reform.
Building on the Declaration, the Working Group on Investment and Trade supports investment and trade reform processes in the region by raising awareness, sharing experience with MENA stakeholders and formulating policy advice. Additionally, the MENA-OECD Competiveness Programme implements the OECD-EU Regional Programme on Promoting Investment in the Mediterranean.
OECD Publications:
- Middle East and North Africa Investment Policy Perspectives (2021)
- Mapping of Investment Promotion Agencies: Middle East and North Africa (2019)
- Examen des statistiques d'investissements directs internationaux au Maroc (2018)
- Relancer l'investissement en Tunisie (2018)
- Promoting Investment in a Fragile Context: The OECD Iraq Project (2016)
- Opérationnaliser les partenariats public-privé en Tunisie, Aperçu général (2016)
- Opérationnaliser les partenariats public-privé en Tunisie, Analyse des cadres juridique et institutionnel (2016)
- Opérationnaliser les partenariats public-privé en Tunisie, Analyse du cadre budgétaire (2016)
- Public-Private Partnerships in the Middle East and North Africa A Handbook for Policy Makers (2014)
Global Value Chains
The OECD Initiative on Global Value Chains (GVCs), Production Transformation and Development supports countries, including Egypt and Morocco, in designing and implementing better production transformation strategies and in increasing evidence on GVCs, global trade and investment.
The OECD Development Centre hosts the Initiative for Policy Dialogue on GVCs, Production Transformation and Development, which works to improve evidence and identify policy guidelines to support production transformation and better integration into global markets.
- Morocco in Global Value Chains: Results and Statistical Recommendations from the Integration of Morocco in the Trade in Value Added Database (2018)
- "Tunisia's inclusion in global value chains and the role of offshore companies” (in French only) (2018)
- Participation of Developing Countries in Global Value Chains (2015)
Trade Data
The OECD-WTO Trade in Value Added (TiVA) database was developed to generate new insights about commercial relations among economies and the process of value creation. The 2018 edition of TiVA indicators includes Morocco, Saudi Arabia and Tunisia.
To help governments improve their border procedures, reduce take costs, boost trade flows and reap greater benefits from international trade, the OECD has developed a set of Trade Facilitation Indicators (TFIs) that identify areas for action and enable the potential impact of reforms to be assessed.
Trade data
Local governance
The OECD engages with local communities to enable them to engage successfully with citizens and all levels of government. In the framework of its Open Government work, the OECD is contributing to build local governments that are that are transparent, accountable and accessible.
OECD Initiatives:
OECD Publications:
- Accompagner les réformes de la gouvernance locale au Maroc : guide de bonnes pratiques (2017)
- Orientations pour une meilleure participation des femmes au sein des conseils des collectivités territoriales du Maroc (2017)
- Le rôle des élus au sein des collectivités territoriales au Maroc (2017)
- Un meilleur contrôle pour une meilleure gouvernance locale en Tunisie: le contrôle des finances publiques au niveau local (2016)
Public Governance
OECD Publications:
- Good Governance in Egypt: Legislative Drafting Manual for Policy (2019)
- Le Gouvernement Ouvert à La Marsa, Sayada et Sfax en Tunisie (2019)
- Diagnostic d’Intégrité au Maroc (2018)
- Digital Government Review of Morocco: Laying the Foundations for the Digital Transformation of the Public Sector in Morocco (2018)
- Gender Balance Guide : Actions for UAE Organisations (2017)
- Internal Control and Risk Management for Public Integrity in the Middle East and North Africa (2017)
- Towards a New Partnership with Citizens Jordan's Decentralisation Reform (2017)
- Benchmarking Digital Government Strategies in MENA Countries (2017)
- Une meilleure performance pour une meilleure gouvernance publique en Tunisie (2017)
- OECD Review of Risk Management Policies Morocco (2017)
Social & Economic Development
OECD Initiatives:
OECD Development Centre formulating innovative development strategies to support the policy reforms needed to achieve further sustainable and inclusive development in the region.
EU-OECD Project: Supporting the development of the Suez Canal Zone Authority providing a needs assessment, action plan and recommendations for improving the management of the Zone.
OECD Publications:
- Africa's Development Dynamics (2019)
- International Migration Outlook (2019)
- Examen multidimensionnel du Maroc: Analyse approfondie et recommandations (2018)
- Examen multidimensionnel du Maroc: Évaluation initiale (2017)
- Tunisia has been included in the OECD Economic Outlook since 2016. The OECD Economic Surveys: Tunisia 2018 focuses on macroeconomic analysis to revive investment and reduce inequalities through quality job creation. Tunisia will also be included in the next Going for Growth exercise.
- Strengthening governance and competitiveness in the MENA region for stronger and more inclusive growth (Arabic version) (2016)
- Tunisia: A Reform Agenda to Support Competitiveness and Inclusive Growth (2015)
Statistics & Data
The OECD is one of the world’s largest and most reliable sources of comparable statistical, economic and social data. The OECD maintains comprehensive databases of statistics to support its analytical and policy work and help governments understand what drives change. A number of MENA countries are already collaborating with OECD technical experts to gather and share specific statistics in different policy areas.
- Agriculture
- Development Aid
- Education: Programme for International Student Assessment PISA, Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS), World Indicators of Skills for Employment (WISE) database
- Green Growth
- Gender (Social Institutions & Gender Index (SIGI))
- Innovation (Egypt)
- OECD States of Fragility Platform
- Taxation co-operation
- Trade: OECD-WTO Trade in Value Added (TiVA), Trade Facilitation Indicators (TFIs)
PARIS21, hosted within the OECD, was established by the United Nations, the European Commission, OECD, International Monetary Fund and World Bank promote the better use and production of statistics in developing countries. It works with North African countries to assess their statistical systems and help draft their National Strategies for the Development of Statistics.
OECD Publications:
- Améliorer les statistiques régionales pour un développement territorial inclusif et durable en Tunisie (2019)
- Revenue Statistics in Africa (2019)
- Examen des statistiques d'investissements directs internationaux au Maroc (2018)
- Morocco in Global Value Chains: Results and Statistical Recommendations from the Integration of Morocco in the Trade in Value Added Database (2018)
- OECD Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Package striving to close gaps in international tax rules that allow multinational enterprises to shift profits to low or no-tax jurisdictions.
- OECD Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes is a key international body working on the implementation of international standards. It ensures that these high standards are in place around the world through its monitoring and peer review activities.
- Both Egypt and Tunisia participate in projects aimed at enhancing domestic resource mobilisation.
- Making Dispute Resolution More Effective - MAP Peer Review Report, Tunisia (Stage 1) (2020)
- Making Dispute Resolution More Effective - MAP Peer Review Report, Morocco (Stage 1) (2020)
- Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes: Tunisia 2020
- Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes: United Arab Emirates 2019
OECD Publications:
- Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes: Saudi Arabia 2019 (Second Round) : Peer Review Report on the Exchange of Information on Request (2019)
- Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes: United Arab Emirates 2019 (Second Round) : Peer Review Report on the Exchange of Information on Request (2019)
- OECD Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes Peer Reviews: Bahrain, Mauritania, Morocco, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates
- Revenue Statistics in Africa 2017 (Morocco and Tunisia)
OECD data
OECD Initiatives:
Youth in Public Life: Towards open and inclusive youth engagement supports Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia in engaging young people in public life and delivering policies and services that are responsive to their specific needs.
- The OECD Action Plan for Youth provides a strategic framework to develop education systems and labour market arrangements that work better for young people.
- The Youth Inclusion Project supports countries to better respond to the aspirations of young people and to strengthen youth involvement in national development processes. Jordan participates in the project.
OECD Publications:
- Youth at the Centre of Government Action: A Review of the Middle East and North Africa (2022)
- Youth Well-being Policy Review of Jordan (Arabic) (2018).
- Youth Engagement and Empowerment in Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia (2018)
- Youth in the MENA Region: How to Bring Them In (2016)
- Investing in Youth: Tunisia Strengthening the Employability of Youth during the Transition to a Green Economy (2015)