The OECD provides a platform to help governments evaluate their allocation of scarce budgetary resources to fossil fuels and their alignment with environmental and well-being goals. To do so, the OECD Inventory of Support Measures for Fossil Fuels documents and estimates government measures that encourage fossil-fuel production or consumption relative to renewable alternatives. The latest edition of the Inventory includes around 1 500 support measures in 51 OECD, G20 and EU Eastern Partnership economies. In addition, the OECD and the IEA produce a combined estimate of fossil fuel support over a greater number of countries.
Every few years, OECD publishes Companions to the Inventory, which report on developments in trends, peer-reviews in G20 countries, offering recommendations for fossil fuel subsidy reform, and country-specific data and analysis.
What's new
- Release of 2021 global estimates of fossil fuel subsidies for the largest 82 economies from OECD, IEA & IMF on | 6 December
- Release of 2021 data for all countries | 11 November
- Press release: Support for fossil fuels almost doubled in 2021, slowing progress toward international climate goals, according to new analysis from OECD and IEA / [Lire la version française] | 29 August
- Latest country notes on fossil fuel support
Previous releases and statements
- Why governments should target support amidst high energy prices, OECD Policy Responses on the Impacts of the War in Ukraine | 30 June 2022
- Energy price surge underlines need to accelerate clean energy transitions rather than subsidise fossil fuels – OECD & IEA | 2021
- Governments should use Covid-19 recovery efforts as an opportunity to phase out support for fossil fuels, say OECD and IEA | 2020
- Fossil fuel support is rising again in a threat to climate change efforts | 2019