

  • 19-January-2023


    Aid at a glance charts

    These ready-made tables and charts provide for snapshot of aid (Official Development Assistance) for all DAC Members as well as recipient countries and territories. Summary reports by regions (Africa, America, Asia, Europe, Oceania) and the world are also available.

    Documents connexes
  • 22-mai-2017


  • 23-April-2015

    English, PDF, 276kb

    Policy Note on Participation of Developing Countries in Global Value Chains

    4-page policy note detailing the key results and recommendations from OECD Trade Policy Paper 179 on the Participation of Developing Countries in Global Value Chains.

    Documents connexes
  • 16-January-2012


    Promoting responsibly sourced minerals: What can donors do?

    About the work of the DAC International Network on Conflict and Fragility (INCAF) to support implementation of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas.

    Documents connexes
  • 21-October-2011


    Investing in Security: A Global Assessment of Armed Violence Reduction Initiatives

    This book contains a large-scale mapping of Armed Violence Reduction and Prevention activities, focusing on six countries - Brazil, Burundi, Colombia, Liberia, South Africa and Timor-Leste - with a view to understanding what works and what does not work.

    Documents connexes
  • 20-septembre-2011


    L'engagement international dans les États fragiles : Peut-on mieux faire ?

    En 2011, quatre années après que les ministres membres du CAD aient approuvé les Principes pour l’engagement international dans les États fragiles (PEF), 13 pays ont décidé de dresser un bilan de la qualité et de l'impact de l'engagement international.

    Documents connexes
  • 6-juin-2011


    Perspectives Économiques en Afrique 2011

    L'édition 2011 des Perspectives économiques en Afrique, a été lancée aujourd’hui, le 6 juin 2011 à Lisbonne.

    Also AvailableEgalement disponible(s)
  • 4-October-2010


    OECD standards taken up in fight against conflict minerals

    Efforts to end trade in conflict minerals advanced last week when 11 African countries endorsed an OECD system for responsible sourcing of raw materials.

    Documents connexes
  • 6-July-2009


    Aid for Trade at a Glance 2009 - Burundi

    The Aid for Trade at a Glance 2009: Maintaining Momentum report presents the results of the second monitoring exercise of the Aid for Trade Initiative and documents its success so far.

  • 1-December-2008


    Global Change in African Fish Trade: Engine of Development or Threat to Local Food Security?

    Trade in fish does not lead to a decline in food security and availability of fish for the population of developing countries, according to this study of industrial and small-scale fisheries in the economy of Sub-Sahara Africa.

    Documents connexes
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