

  • 6-February-2017

    Spanish, PDF, 336kb

    Adaptación y resiliencia de la agricultura familiar en el Noreste Argentino ante el impacto del cambio climático y su variabilidad / Argentina

    La zona presenta problemas de acceso al agua y efectos negativos del cambio climático. A esto se suman la erosión de suelos y la deforestación, lo que aumenta la vulnerabilidad del sistema ecológico y de la población rural, disminuyendo la productividad agrícola y pecuaria. Caso de estudio de la Summer School “Comunidad y desarrollo local en América Latina”, organizada por el Centro OCDE LEED para el Desarrollo Local (Italia).

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  • 6-February-2017

    Spanish, PDF, 544kb

    Programa de Desarrollo de Áreas Metropolitanas del Interior - Área Metropolitana Neuquén / Argentina

    El área Metropolitana de Neuquén es una conurbación compuesta por cinco ciudades, donde convergen múltiples decisiones públicas y privadas en relación al uso del suelo y al ambiente, así como una diversidad de identidades, culturas y movimientos sociales que expresan sus demandas. Caso de estudio de la Summer School “Comunidad y desarrollo local en América Latina”, organizada por el Centro OCDE LEED para el Desarrollo Local (Italia).

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  • 6-February-2017

    Spanish, PDF, 455kb

    Ordenamiento territorial para el plan de desarrollo estratégico de Lonco Luan / Argentina

    La Comunidad Mapuche Catalán, ubicada en el paraje Lonco Luan, ha detectado la falta de empleo de los jóvenes en edad productiva por falta de actividades económicas y/o por falta de competencias específicas. Caso de estudio de la Summer School “Comunidad y desarrollo local en América Latina y el Caribe”, organizada por el Centro OCDE LEED para el Desarrollo Local (Italia).

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  • 6-December-2016


    PISA 2015 key findings for Argentina

    This country note presents student performance in science, reading and mathematics, and measures equity in education in Argentina. The interactive charts allow you to compare results with other countries participating in the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA).

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  • 2-December-2016


    Government at a Glance: Latin America and the Caribbean 2017 – Country notes

    These country notes contain indicators which compare the political and institutional frameworks of national governments as well as revenues and expenditures, employment, and compensation.

  • 1-December-2016


    OECD Territorial Reviews: Córdoba, Argentina

    This report examines the Province of Córdoba, Argentina, and provides recommendations for the design of a regional competitiveness strategy as well as the governance structure needed to implement it. Over the past decade, Córdoba has experienced sustained economic growth and widespread improvements in the standard of living. However, the provincial economy is at a pivotal point: it is still highly reliant on traditional manufacturing and commodities, a model that may no longer be sufficient for the future. Córdoba’s challenges and opportunities are the same as those found in many OECD regions and require a renewed development strategy, one that builds on key assets and focusses on closing crucial infrastructure gaps. Investments in skills, research, and innovation are essential to propel the province into higher-value-added segments of production chains. At the same time, Córdoba needs to shift from a sectoral approach to an integrated, activity-focused strategic plan, in which the entire territory (cities and regions) becomes a platform for innovation and fosters new economic opportunities.
  • 28-October-2016


    Empowering the 40% of young Latin Americans not in formal jobs, education or training could spark new growth engines, says latest Latin American Economic Outlook

    Latin America and the Caribbean’s (LAC) GDP will shrink by between 0.9% and 1% in 2016, according to the latest estimates, the second consecutive year of negative growth and a rate of contraction the region has not seen since the early 1980s. According to the Latin American Economic Outlook 2017, the region should recover in 2017, but with modest GDP growth of between 1.5% and 2%, below expected growth in advanced economies.

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  • 26-September-2016


    Carbon pricing efforts are falling short, but even modest collective action can deliver significant progress, OECD says

    Current carbon prices are falling short of the levels needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions driving climate change, but even moderate price increases could have a significant impact, according to new OECD research.

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  • 26-September-2016

    English, PDF, 512kb

    Environmental taxes: Key findings for Argentina

    This country note provides an environmental tax and carbon pricing profile for Argentina. It shows environmentally related tax revenues, taxes on energy use and effective carbon rates.

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