About the partnership
OECD participation in the implementation of the ASEAN Competition Action Plan
The OECD is sharing its competition policy, competition enforcement and capacity building expertise with ASEAN Member States. |
Competition policy constitutes an important part of the ASEAN Vision 2020 for regional economic integration.ASEAN member states have thus agreed to implement significant reforms towards market liberalisation and the elimination of competition distortions. Working in close co-operation with ASEAN Secretariat, its member states, and the ASEAN Experts Group on Competition, the OECD is supporting the implementation of the ASEAN Competition Action Plan (ACAP) 2016-2025 to help fulfil the competition-related vision of the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint 2025 and ultimately contribute to the ASEAN Secretariat's mission to attain a level playing field for all firms through effective competition policy.
Cooperation and discussion amongst competition agencies are facilitated through workshops, training and seminars organised by the ASEAN Experts Group on competition.
These capacity-building activities focus on institution building, law enforcement and advocacy.
The benefits of competition
The general benefits of a well-functioning competition regime are well known, empirically demonstrated and widely accepted. |
Competition helps to drive economic growth and efficiency by increasing productivity, rewarding the innovation that brings new and better products, promoting consumer welfare and creating a better environment for investment and trade. Competition policy also helps to ensure that the benefits of trade and investment liberalisation are not compromised by anti-competitive practices.
Competition policy can contribute significantly to continued and sustained growth across ASEAN, at a time when member states are strengthening their collaboration as part of the ASEAN Economic Community.
The essential role of competition policy in ASEAN
The ASEAN Economic Community is one of the three pillars of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Its main purpose is to transform ASEAN into a single market and production base. |
It aims to create a highly competitive economic and innovative region with equitable economic development that provides its members with an open and integrated market and offers an increase in product choice and competitive pricing.
The ASEAN Economic Community expressly acknowledges that operational and effective competition rules are necessary for ASEAN to be a competitive region with well-functioning, innovative and dynamic markets.
The ACAP’s five strategic goals and initiatives aim to cement competition policy and law as an integral part of economic policy, with:
Effective competition regimes are established in all member states
The capacities of local competition-related agencies are strengthened to effectively implement national competition laws
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Regional co-operation arrangements on competition law and policy are in place |
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Fostering a competition-aware ASEAN region |
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Moving towards greater harmonisation of competition policy and law in ASEAN |
ASEAN’s competition work has reached a key transitional moment, with nine out of ten of its members having competition laws in force. The effective enforcement of these competition laws and the OECD’s non-binding recommendations can contribute to these efforts and help ASEAN member states recover from the Covid-19 crisis.
Towards a Level Playing Field between SOEs and Private Entities in ASEAN
Achieving more pro-competitive regulation in ASEAN
Competition Law in Asia-Pacific: A Guide to Selected Jurisdictions
OECD Competition and Macroeconomic outcomes
ASEAN Competition Action Plan (2016-2025)
ASEAN Experts Group on Competition (AEGC)
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Country & Regional reports

