Please cite as: OECD(2011), Pensions at a Glance - Asia/Pacific Edition
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Publication date:
25 January 2012
No. of Pages:
Pensions at a Glance – Asia/Pacific Edition 2011, offers a range of indicators to enable comparisons between the economies of the Asia/Pacific region. This second edition further expands upon the methodology covered in the first report providing results on:
replacement rates
pension wealth
- coverage
- demographic indicators
The executive summary gives the main findings and issues of the report, whilst the methodology section should help readers to understand the models used.
In addition to giving insights on the sustainability of public pensions and the pressures they face with the mounting demographic issues, Pensions at a Glance – Asia/Pacific Edition 2011 aims to enhance interaction between OECD member countries and non-member Asia/Pacific countries and economies.
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Further information
For further information, questions or feedback, please contact:
Andrew Reilly or Luca Lorenzoni from the OECD's Employment, Labour and Social Affairs Directorate,