About the newsletter
This newsletter reports on the activities of the OECD Regional Centre for Competition in Latin America.
Published twice a year, it shares regional experiences and recent developments from the economies in the Latin American and Caribbean region.
Latest release
Issue 5 - June 2022
Download in English | Spanish

In this issue:
- Exclusive interview with Ms. María Elena Vásquez Taveras, President of the Competition Authority of the Dominican Republic (ProCompetencia).
- Brazil: Cease and Desist Agreements in the Oil & Gas Sector in Brazil by Patrícia Sakowski and Felipe Mundim
- Portugal: Advocacy and competition impact assessment supporting pro-competitive reforms in self-regulated professions and the transport sector by Sónia Moura
- Spain: Ex post analysis of CNMC´s advocacy and market unity actions by María Vidales Picazo
- OECD: Competition in the Energy Sector - Recent Developments in Latin America by Paulo Burnier da Silveira and Thaiane Abreu
Previous issues
Issue 4 - December 2021 | English | Spanish
In this issue:
- Centre activities and programme; Interview: Rolando Díaz (Conacom, Paraguay); Updates on regional projects; Chile: The failing firm defense in Chile by Francisca Levin and Vicente Lagos; Peru: Toward a more competitive procurement process in the health sector in Peru by Rodolfo Tupayachi; Trinidad and Tobago: Corruption and bid rigging in public procurement: the case of Trinidad and Tobago by Taimoon Stewart
In this issue:
- Centre activities and programme; Interview: Guilermo Rojas Guzmán (Coprocom, Costa Rica); Updates on regional projects and the 2021 Latin American and Caribbean Competition Forum; Brazil: The Foreign Currency Exchange Market Case in Brazil; by Diogo Thomson Andrade, Fernanda Garcia Machado and Rafaela Teixeira Vieira Noman; Chile: FNE´s cases in the Mortgage-related Insurance Industry; by Camilo Vergara and Diego Concha; El Salvador: Cooperation between the Competition Agency and the Financial Regulator in mergers by Rebeca Hernández Asturias; Mexico: Investigating the Mexican Card Payment System – inception, preliminary opinion and future implications for competition by María Andrea Latapie Aldana
Issue 2 | December 2020 | English - Spanish
In this issue:
- Centre activities and programme; Interview: Alexandre Barreto de Souza (Cade, Brazil); Updates on regional projects and the 2021 Latin American and Caribbean Competition Forum; A Note on Screens’ Worldwide Adoption and Successes; Brazil: New Investigation Techniques to Fighting Cartels – the “Brain Project”, Costa Rica: Update and perspectives of the new leniency programme in Costa Rica; El Salvador: Leniency and compliance: the interdisciplinary nexus; Mexico: COFECE’s view of ex-officio investigations in strategic markets; Caribbean: The Efficacy of Leniency Programs in Small Economies – a view from the Caribbean; Caribbean: The Efficacy of Leniency Programs in Small Economies – a view from the Caribbean
Issue 1 | June 2020 | English
In this issue:
- Centre activities and programme; Interview with Mr. Ivo Gagliuffi Piercechi (Peru); Updates on regional projects; OECD: Challenges and opportunities for competition authorities arising from Covid-19 crisis; OECD: Market Study Process - Example of the UK Credit Card Market; Argentina: Credit Card Market Study - Findings, Recommendations and Impact; Brazil: Advocacy initiatives through CADE’s Cahiers – 10 market studies in 6 years; Mexico: Advocating for pro-competitive regulation in the Notarial services market; Peru: From drafting to implementation of Indecopi’s Guidelines in Public Procurement; Trinidad and Tobago: Advocacy efforts that pushed for the new Competition Law
If you have suggestions or material that you wish to be considered for publication, please feel free to contact:
About the Lima centre
Calendar of activities
More competition work on Latin America
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