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Shifting the Narrative: Women Leading Change
This podcast series tells the stories of women as civil society actors, activists, authors, leaders, health and humanitarian workers, youth representatives, traders and entrepreneurs in the Sahel and West Africa.
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RPCA 38th Annual Meeting
The 38th annual meeting of the Food Crisis Prevention Network (RPCA) will be held in Lomé , Togo from 6-9 December 2022.
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Africa’s Urbanisation Dynamics 2022: The Economic Power of Africa’s Cities
In partnership with the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the African Development Bank (AfDB), the Sahel and West Africa Club launched the 2022 edition of Africa’s Urbanisation Dynamics: The Economic Power of Africa’s Cities.
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West Africa and the global climate agenda
Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) enable each country to pursue a tailored approach under the Paris Agreement, with countries setting their own mitigation and adaptation targets.
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The geography of violence in North and West Africa — a focus on borderlands
Violence in North and West Africa is far from homogenous geographically, with violent events increasingly occurring in borderlands.
Photo: Lawali
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The economic power of Africa's cities
Africa's cities benefit from higher socio-economic outcomes and standards of living than the countries in which they are located. Urbanisation is an opportunity for Africa, and governments should maximise its benefits by investing in cities of all sizes.
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Data & Dialogue
Levels of gender inequality in the Sahel and West Arica are among the highest in the world.
A research and data visualisation tool used to understand urbanisation in Africa.
The coronavirus pandemic is unfolding as the region faces a major food and security crisis.
Sahelian consultations
An open-ended prospective platform amplifying trans-Sahelian voices that are rethinking governance in the Sahel.
Climate change
A practical guide to legal and financial levers for cities and border cities.